Training in weightlifting is more than just sets and reps. The environment and atmosphere you train in shapes the lifter and the person you become.
Phoenix is about weightlifting for everyone. As a result, we have certain expectations of our members and our atmosphere.
Weightlifting is hard. It makes an enormous difference to have a community of supportive friends to train and grow with. A team that will help you stand up when you’re down and will cheer for you when you succeed. Mutual struggle builds camaraderie like nothing else. This community can help you through the struggle, not just of training but of life.
Mutual respect between lifters, coaches and the club as a whole is absolutely vital. Respect for our efforts, our values and our commitments is necessary for the club to function. This is not a throwaway statement – the club depends on the effort of many different people and it is hard work hard to keep the dream alive. If you respect the time and effort that people put towards you with your actions, that respect should be returned to you tenfold.
There is also an expectation of effort and contribution towards the club, within one’s means. The club aims to foster a sense of community and family – this isn’t a commercial gym where people may be hostile to each other for existing in the same space. Whether it’s volunteering to help at competitions, watching your clubmates compete or simply being a good teammate in training, we’re all stronger if we lift each other up. That’s what makes a good club.
Yours in strength,